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Produção Audiovisual

Produção Audiovisual

Audiovisual Insurance Solutions

Regardless of the size of the project accidents and setbacks can happen. We know that the entire production budget already has a certain destination (and counted), so unless you have separated values ​​for contingency situations, a claim can stop or even end your project, causing financial and image losses. Imagine a sponsor who bet on the idea and invested. A channel that bought the production. Imagine if the project was already published in the media?

What would be the opinion of stakeholders in face of the failure of a project that could have been minimized just by hiring an insurance policy? Reputational damage exists and is eventually irreparable, but we also have financial and psychological losses, when eventually an employee suffers an accident and the production company does not support it because it has no resources. These are not hypothetical situations, they are real. They have already happened. Therefore, we present below all the solutions available on the market so that your only concern is to make art. Let us take care of everything else!

Slide your mouse over the images and see a brief description of each insurance.

Film Insurance

Cover all stages of the production: art, costumes, photography, cast, equipment, suits for damages to third parties and / or the team itself, among others.

There are more than 15 covers

Travel Insurance

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Coverage for loss of luggage, medical expenses due to accident or illness, body transfer, early return, among others.

Personal Accident

Cover expenses related to natural death, accidental death, permanent disability and medical and hospital expenses

Completion Bond

Insurance that protects the sponsors of the work. It covers extra expenses needed to complete the project on schedule, without any delays. Insurance not marketed in Brazil.

Errors & Omissions(E&O)

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It protects the project and the producers from eventual civil lawsuits for violation of copyright, image, sound or any intellectual property. It also covers moral damages caused by defamation, slander, among others.

Weather Day

Indemnifies a day of filming (the choice of the insured), where there are no climatic conditions for filming.

Insurance not marketed in Brazil.

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