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Personal accident and Sindcine insurance are very similar in terms of coverage. The difference is that Sindcine is geared only to audiovisual productions and hiring is mandatory for producers associated with the union (Sindcine), in addition to sending the complete data of all policyholders. Personal accident insurance, better known as "AP", can be contracted for both audiovisual projects and events, it has customizable limits and it is not mandatory to send team data.
See the tables below for coverage and differences for each.

Personal Accident (AP)

- Can be hired for audiovisual productions or events.


- Indemnity limits according to the table below.


- Acceptance for people between 9 and 80 years old, depending on the insurer. According to the SUSEP circular, in the event of the death of children under the age of 14, the insurance company is responsible only for funeral assistance.


- It is not necessary to send the names, CPF and date of birth of the beneficiaries, except in the event of an accident.


Note: The maximum indemnity limit for DMHO is always up to 10% over the amount stipulated for accidental death and permanent disability.


Coverages: (Invididual Amounts)


- Accidental Death (MA) - R$ 200.000,00


- Permanent Total / Partial Disability (IPA) - R$ 200.000,00


- Hospital and Dental Medical Expenses (DMHO) - R$ 20.000,00



- Available only for audiovisual productions;


- Mandatory for producers associated with Sindcine;


- Optional for other producers;


- Indemnity limits generated automatically by the system.


- Acceptance for people between 9 and 80 years old, depending on the insurer. According to the SUSEP circular, in the event of the death of children under the age of 14, the insurance company is responsible only for funeral assistance.


- It is necessary to send the full name, CPF and date of birth of all beneficiaries at the time of issuing the proposal, but it is not necessary in the initial quotation phase.

Coverages: (Individual Amounts)


- Natural Death (MN) - R$ 120.986,22


- Accidental Death (MA) - R$ 222.504,98


- Permanent Total / Partial Disability (IPA) - R$ 222.504,98


- Hospital and Dental Medical Expenses (DMHO) - R$ 85.796,09

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